Happy Brisbane based wedding photographers during their own wedding

Wedding Planning Advice for a fun and carefree day!

After photographing literally hundreds of other couples weddings, we were so excited to plan our own  and put my knowledge to use!

After all we are experts at weddings.

We knew to hold our kiss for at least 5 seconds and all the other pro tips photographers need to ensure those perfect wedding photos are created… 

The entire experience of planning our own wedding really gave us new insight into what goes into making a wedding magical. 

How special it is that you LOVE your dress . . .

That you look and FEEL INCREDIBLE as you walk down the aisle . . .

That all those special little surprises you have planned and all the jokes in your speech go off without a hitch…

So I would like to share with you what we learned from our own wedding . . .

TRUST, yes that’s right TRUST.

Apart from marrying your best friend, trust is definitely the most important part of it all.

Think about all the stress and anxiety you had planning your perfect day and then LET THAT GO.

You need to TRUST that your wedding day is in the good hands of experts, and that’s why you book professionals who know exactly how to create what you want.

Once you do this, you can just sail through your big day being cool and carefree and believe me, the more relaxed you are the better your photos will be! 

So step back, take a breath and enjoy it all!

KNOW that no matter what happens your day will be EPIC . . .

That everyone will have a blast!

And that it will be a day you will remember and talk about for the rest of your lives!

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